Sarah-Jane Johnston
evolution34 (Nutrition and Pilates) was foundered to work with my clients (B2C) and B2B clients and their team to solve problems they struggle with and don’t have to, making small changes can lead to the massive improvements they dream of.
My fascination with nutrition comes from being a child suffering with constant stomach pain, being a young adult not functioning as I wanted to at work, having event clients worried about me in meetings, health care professionals did all they could even having a small exploratory operation at the age of 21. My hairdresser recommended that I try a Nutritionist! Andy changed my life within 2-months of analysing my food diaries, listening to me, and understanding my hectic lifestyle he told me I had a severe wheat allergy. Within a month I felt amazing.
I now gift those I work with my knowledge, passion, and proven system to Identify, Ignite, and Integrate so others become unstuck like me.