Member price – £75.00 + VAT
Non-member price – £90.00 + VAT
Duration – Half Day (Afternoon)
Under the 1992 Manual Handling regulations, it is every employer’s responsibility to provide safe and sufficient training for any employee whose job involves manual lifting. Equally, it is sound business practice to provide such training in order to avoid unnecessary claims or industrial injury on past and/or present employees.
Site Induction:
Attend All Inductions required by the customer, but ask that they are conducted with the Social Distancing guidelines maintained.
Access / egress to site:
Ensure you enter the building through the main reception doors/ main entrance each morning. Attend any customer Temperature Checks requirements (hand held infra-red or similar remote reader), optional at the end of each day. At the entrance to the customer Buildings ensure hands are sanitised/ are washed immediately supplied at the entrance, or using the hand held sanitiser that is carried by personnel. Any personnel with a temperature of 38 Degrees Celsius or Higher will be asked to leave site and to return home – their temperature must then be monitored from there.
Welfare arrangements:
Ensure social distancing at all times and fit in with the customer requirements. Ideally take breaks in your own vehicle. Cooking on site to be prohibited during this interim period, staff can consume home prepared food and warm food at work. Comply with any 2m social distancing marks/ measures.