What does the new Customs Declaration Service mean for my business?
The Customs Declaration Service (CDS) will soon be replacing the current Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) service. This is the computer system currently used to process Customs declarations.
If you are currently importing or exporting goods to or from countries outside the EU, then you or your freight forwarder will currently be using CHIEF to:
These functions will be available on CDS, but there will be some differences with the new service. To provide clarity around what the new service will offer, the presentation will feature:
Who it is aimed at?
This workshop will provide significant useful knowledge to exporting business owners either new to export or experienced, employees and any third parties who are involved in the import and export of goods and their related administrative processing. This may also include employees or agents who are tasked with the mandatory financial or organisational responsibilities of a business.
Delivered by
John Griffiths, HMRC International Trade Development Liaison Officer (ITDLO)
Barnsley business rate payers may be able to access a free place at this workshop (one delegate per workshop, per company) and should contact us before booking to clarify eligibility