
Beware of Spam Emails Targeting the Chamber Means Business Expo

Beware of Spam Emails Targeting the Chamber Means Business Expo

As the Chamber Means Business Expo approaches, we are excited to bring together businesses, delegates and industry leaders from across South Yorkshire for a day of networking and growth. However,  we want to ensure your safety and security against potential cyber threats, particularly spam emails.

What You Need to Know

Spam emails are unsolicited messages that often contain malicious links or attachments designed to steal personal information, spread malware, or deceive recipients into making financial transactions. These emails can appear deceptively legitimate, often mimicking trusted sources or brands.

How to Identify Spam Emails

To protect yourself and your business, here are some key indicators of spam emails:

Selling Databases and contact lists relating to Chamber events

The Chamber does not share visitor databases, contact lists, or registration information with any third party. If you receive an email offering to sell such data, please recognise it as spam.

Suspicious Sender Information:

Emails from unknown or unexpected senders.

Domain names that are slightly misspelt or mimic legitimate sources (e.g., “chambr” instead of “chamber”).

Urgent or Unusual Requests:

Claims that you must act immediately to avoid penalties or gain rewards.

Requests for personal or financial information.

Unfamiliar Links and Attachments:

Links that lead to unexpected websites.

Attachments that you were not expecting or that seem irrelevant.

Poor Language and Formatting:

Emails with numerous spelling and grammatical errors.

Inconsistent formatting or unprofessional design.

Protective Measures to Implement

We strongly advise taking the following steps to safeguard your data and communications:

Verify Email Addresses:

Double-check the sender’s email address for any inconsistencies.

Contact the sender directly using a trusted method if in doubt.

Do Not Click Unverified Links or Attachments:

Hover over links to see the actual URL before clicking.

Avoid downloading or opening attachments from unknown sources.

Enable Spam Filters and Antivirus Software:

Ensure your email system’s spam filters are activated and up-to-date.

Regularly update your antivirus software to detect and block threats.

Report Suspicious Emails:

Forward any suspicious emails to your IT department or cybersecurity team.

Report phishing attempts to your email provider.

Data Privacy Assurance

We understand the importance of your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information.

Please rest assured that the Barnsley & Rotherham Chamber of Commerce does not sell or provide any data relating to the Chamber Means Business Expo to third parties. Your data is used solely for the purpose of organising and managing the event, ensuring a seamless and beneficial experience for all participants.

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