South Yorkshire’s Community Foundation (SYCF) is undertaking pivotal research into community needs in Barnsley, and calls for local people to take part to help bring about transformative change.
South Yorkshire’s Community Foundation (SYCF) is undertaking pivotal research into community needs in Barnsley, and calls for local people to take part to help bring about transformative change.
Vital Signs uses local knowledge to measure the vitality of a community and support action, a ‘health-check’ that identifies our community’s hidden needs and priorities. The research examines ten themes including mental health, education and crime and safety.
Local data gathered through the research is used to support evidence-based, locally-relevant solutions to improve the quality of life at the community level. Understanding the needs of a community and the issues it faces is the first step to being able to solve them. The findings will enable SYCF, who distribute funding to community groups, to provide targeted intervention where it is most needed.
After a year of living in a pandemic with resources stretched, this research is needed more than ever.
Ruth Willis, CEO of South Yorkshire’s Community Foundation said: “The findings of the Vital Signs report will provide us with a clear indication of the issues our community is facing. It shines a light on the concerns and fears that require attention and provides an impetus for action.
“By identifying where there is the most need or a growing need, we can offer more effective support to the community organisations already working so hard to better their area. At the same time we can draw awareness to the areas that need more funding and support to meet local needs. The research is utilised not only by the Foundation but Local Authorities and local healthcare providers too.
“With this advanced reporting in place we can engage the wider community – individuals and businesses – to work with us and be a part of the solution to the issues that our new Vital Signs reporting will identify.
“We want to invite as many people as possible in Barnsley to fill in the survey and have their say.”
To take part in the survey, please go to: or