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How being menopause friendly helps employers save money!

May 24, 2023 at 10:00 AM- 11:00 PM

Menopause support is a win-win for employers and employees, no doubt. Here’s how it also helps employers save money too!

Most employers start the journey to be menopause friendly because it helps them be a great place to work, supports diversity and inclusion and shows they care about their colleagues’ wellbeing.

But in today’s cost of living crisis, understanding how providing the right menopause awareness, education and support contributes to a financial business case, and the bottom line is important.

Join us for this FREE online session as we share the facts and figures to help you understand the value to your organisation.

After the session we’ll provide you with a handout of the key information on why it’s urgent and important to be a menopause friendly employer.

We look forward to seeing you there.